My Top 20 Spring 2016 Anime Openings (Preview)

June 17, 2016

Hello guys! This short post is an update about my top 20 list!

Today, I was able to download ALL of the openings that I'm gonna include. I tried editing them all but unfortunately, I'm not that ready for it because:

First, I'm NOT yet complete with the list itself! Yes, I am sorry but I can feel that I'm 80% done! A little more patience!

Second, I still haven't gotten all the names of the songs and stuff so I can insert them on the videos.

But anyways, I hope you'll enjoy this simple preview I created to showcase some of the shows that I've included in the list!


Now go and get yourself hyped!

Anyways, time for my daily anime watching!

What are YOUR thoughts on the shows that I've included?

Authors Note:

In line with this post, I am officially announcing my new YOUTUBE account! Click this link to take you there (and don't forget to subscribe!).

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Greetings, I am Jefferson and welcome to my anime blog. This anime blog is where I'll be housing all of my reviews and recommendations for anime shows.

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