About the Blog

Get to know the blog:

If you're a first-time reader, thank you so much for dropping by here in the About pages first! It's nice of you for getting the time to check out stuff about  this blog.

I started this blog back in 2013 with the hopes of it being a beautiful place full of my rantings about school and life in general. It went on that way until this year when I decided to turn this dump and make it into something much more better: a place where I can fully share my thoughts on all the things that I love. 

This blog will house certain news and updates about my weebness towards anime in general - all the anime and manga goodness that I want to share will be posted here.

I vision this blog as a place for spreading positivity and good energy towards anime greatness because why not? Anime IS awesome!

About me

Greetings, I am Jefferson and welcome to my anime blog. This anime blog is where I'll be housing all of my reviews and recommendations for anime shows.

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